24 Days

25 Jul

Day 24. Boom:

Exit: 出 (Over there, near the two mountains)
Mountain: 山 (Yep, that sure does look like one)
Bungling: 拙 (A fire in the theater. You are at the exit. Excited, your fingers bungle your escape attempt)
Boulder: 岩 (A large mountain, made up of stones everywhere)
Charcoal: 炭 (A mountain covered in ashes is a good source of charcoal)
Branch Off: 岐 (The path through the mountain branches off in several ways)
Mountain Peak: 峠 (The mountain peak sits above the ground but below the sky)
Crumble: 崩 (A mountain crumbling down over the companion)
Secrecy: 密 (A house in the mountain is invariably full of secrets)
Honey: 蜜 (Houses will invariably attract insects with honey)
Storm: 嵐 (The wind blowing in the mountain is a sign of a storm)
Promontory: 崎 (Is a strange mountain formation)
Enter: 入 (Through the left)
Crowded: 込 (You are mad to attempt to enter a crowded roadway)
Part: 分 (The dagger going into the body, parting it in two)
Poverty: 貧 (Parting with your money will leave you in poverty)
Partition: 頒 (The head of the partition parts the job up for the people)
Public: 公 (When going into a public space, make sure your elbows are in the right place)
Pine Tree: 松 (A tree that is commonly found in public areas)
Venerable Old Man: 翁 (A venerable old man is identified in public by his feathers)
Sue: 訟 (Careful with the words you use in public, they can lead to a process)
Valley: 谷 (When going into the mouth of the valley, please bring an umbrella)
Bathe: 浴 (Contrary to popular belief, the water in the valley is proper for bathing)
Contain: 容 (A house so large it can contain an entire valley)
Melt: 溶 (Melted ice contains a lot of water)
Longing: 欲 (Inside a valley, yawning, is someone longing for you)
Abundant: 裕 (The cloakc of the valley people is made from material abundant to the area)
Lead: 鉛 (It’s a metal commonly found in gullies)
Run Alongside: 沿 (A stream of water, running alongside the gully)

25, coming right up.

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